Inventors make the world a better place!
Have you ever thought about how inventors invent? How does one come up with the things that they invent? How did Dr Grant come up with the idea for the golf tee? How did Lewis Latimer come up with the carbon filament for the light bulb? (Source
It is my belief that innovation comes from the mind of people who want to make the world better. It starts with a little question and it just grows and grows till it becomes a patent.
With my patent #11,191,314 that was definitely the case. I started with the idea of creating custom ball markers for my golf students. They were all 3-D printed and hand painted. They were all a labor of love and each student could get what ever they wanted. I have made peacocks, owls, raccoons, RVs... you name it! All with love of having my golf students and friends get a unique ball marker!
Well these ball markers after being painted were sealed and smooth and they would not stay on the traditional metal hat clip. There wasn't enough friction and the ball markers, these special pieces would go flying through the air every time the person would take a golf swing!
To get more purchase so the ball markers would stay, I started making a rubber based clip for these custom ball markers to stay in place. I kept tinkering with the designs and perfecting the clip! I would work on the designs in my bathroom at home and in my living room! The design was starting to come together but the rubber smelled really bad. One day just because, I added citronella into the mixture as I was making a batch of clips. When I gave it to my golf students to see if the ball markers would stay on, they told me that it was a better way to keep the bugs off of them without using bug spray!
I remember my friend Chris said to me, "Put this away and don't show anyone till you talk to a patent attorney!"
That day, the InfusenClip was born!
I wonder how many other inventions have that one step in front of the other feeling. The feeling of just solving problems and wanting to make the world or a slice of the world a little better and a little brighter.